Sunday, 11 September 2011

Fairy Gardens... I remember the awe of believing in fairies.

With fairy gardens in mind we gathered what we could find in the craft box: glitter, paints, brushes and glue. Our three girls and their friends went on a nature hunt around the garden and found twigs, pine cones, shells, old tiles (that we smashed up) and pebbles.I have a lot of succulents growing so we were able to pick a few to plant in the fairy gardens. Succulents need very little care, just a bit of fairy love!

 The girls had so much fun filling their pots with soil and then making their own little fairy village. 
We cut up a pine cone and painted the tips red and dotted with white paint. These made beautiful little toad stools! 

The girls placed their gardens onto the deck, the next morning they were sure the fairies had visited because a few little stones had been moved!  


  1. Love it! The blog looks great (so tech savvy), and makes me want a fairy garden of my own. At the very least it has instilled a nice sense of nostalgia into my dreary adult Monday afternoon :)

  2. what a lovely idea. I hope they have lots of visiting fairies. Love the toad stools.

    Would love to invite you over to my weekly child centered linky party - The Sunday Showcase to share your idea.

    You can link up here -


  3. Thanks for your feedback Bernadette. Not sure yet how to link up...

  4. My daughter would love this! Will be bookmarking it for later =)
